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Collegiate Competitions

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NSBE Debaters

This competition involves a formal discussion on a particular topic in which membership puts an argument forward. NSBE Debaters will operate using the parliamentary debate format. Parliamentary debate is recognized internationally and is based in part on the deliberative discussions in the British House of Commons. Parliamentary debates focus on oratorical and analytical skills and are easier for the general membership to understand and follow.

            A debate round has two teams with two debaters each and a Speaker (Judge). The Speaker. serves as both the judge and arbiter of the rules during the round. One team represents the Government, while the other represents the Opposition. The debater who is speaking may choose to recognize the point or not. If the debater does not want to recognize the point, he or she simply says "No thank you," or waves the questioner off.

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Academic Tech Bowl 

The Academic Tech Bowl is a jeopardy-style trivia competition designed to advertise the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination. The questions cover a wide range of S.T.E.M. topics, with categories illustrating the fundamental principles of engineering with hopes of preparing and encouraging collegiate students to partake in engineering exams such as the FE. 




  • Must be a NSBE member 

  • Must sign up 

  • Required FRC registration



Technical Research Exhibition

The Technical Research Exhibition is an academically fulfilling event where members are given the opportunity to demonstrate their theoretical research, technical writing, and oral presentation skills. This exhibition provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to present their research findings while encouraging undergraduate students to pursue graduate degrees. Split into the competitive "Showcase" track and the non-competitive "Preliminary Exhibition" track, both options provide participants with valuable feedback from professionals in academia and within the S.T.E.M industry. Members who have performed research in academia or industry are encouraged to participate as well. 


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Paid NSBE members

  • Required FRC registration

  • Acceptable completed projects (individually or team): "Hands-on technical projects" and/or "Theoretical or Applied Research"

Elevator Pitch 

The Elevator Pitch competition is an oral competition that provides participants with the opportunity to showcase an invention, a novel idea, or their small business to working professionals within the industry. It is open to both collegiate and high school members. This competition is an excellent chance to promote a project you are eager to receive high-level constructive feedback on or even advertise your business!

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PCI Competitions

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MAth Counts

The MATHCOUNTS competition is a fun and challenging math program designed for teams of four U.S. middle school students to increase their academic and professional opportunities. During the program year, MATHCOUNTS coaches provide thought-provoking, non-routine, fun problems to engage, challenge, and make each participant a better problem solver. 


Teams of 4 with 1 alternate: Grades 6th through 8th




Yearlong tutoring program meant to foster good study habits for minority students, groom them for success
in STEM courses, help prepare them for standardized exams such as the ACT and SAT, and promote healthy competition and good sportsmanship.


At this year’s FRC, we will have the Jeopardy style  competition

Two divisions (Teams of 4 with 1 alternate): Lower- (9th & 10th grade) and Upper - (11th & 12th grade)

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Are you smarter than a NSBE jR Member


Want to show off your academic prowess? This light-hearted, scholastic competition is just the place to do it! Are You Smarter Than a NSBE Jr. Member is an exciting trivia competition geared toward K-5 students with an interest in the sciences. Come sharpen your skills at Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader and have fun doing it!

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